Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Looking for cases or actors...March 3rd

The Civic Project at UNCG is working on creating DVDs for educational workshops and promotion of the center. We are searching for anyone that:

  1. Has a real life case / dispute that we could mediate. It can be any disagreement OR just anything you need help working out. Some examples: premarital agreements, kind of like pre-nups, but for how you will handle disagreement or decision making in the future; roommate arguments; child care arrangements; schedules; divorce; custody; business matters, or anything you can think of or anything that you can think of that someone you know may be able to utilize. Just a selling point... mediations typically cost $250per hour + preparation fees, so we're offering services in excess of $500 for free.
  2. Any aspiring actors / actresses who would be willing to play a role in one of the following possible scenarios:
    Divorce - finances and/or custody
    Business partnership
    Community dispute - noisy neighbor, HOA problems with appearance, etc.

We need both men & women. In addition to be able to add acting in a promotional video for the CIVIC Project to your resume. This will probably be at least a half a days worth of work and will be on March 3rd.

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