Monday, November 17, 2008

Parenting Coordinator and High Conflict Divorce Workshop

UNCG's Conflict Resolution Program presents a free, half-day workshop on

Parenting Coordination and High Conflict Families in Divorce

Time 9:00-12:00

Date: Jan. 23, 2008

University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Elliott University Center

Sherrill Hayes, UNCG Conflict Resolution Program
Helen Brantley, UNC Forensic Psychiatry Service
Max Nunez, Private Practice, Charlotte, NC

This informational and interactive workshop is intended for parenting coordinators, attorneys, judges, and mental health professionals who work with high conflict families. Topics include: recently published national research on parenting coordination (PC); the first study of PC practice and effectiveness in North Carolina; an examination of high conflict divorce court cases ; and a panel discussion. The day will also include dialogue groups focusing on developing a practice including: building a practice in your district; working collaboratively with other professionals; managing client resistance; and mediation/arbitration skills.

Registration is free but spaces are limited.
If you are interested please contact: Dr. Sherrill Hayes at mailto:swhayes@uncg.eduor (336) 217-5103

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