Tuesday, April 24, 2007

News, News, News

Much has happened recently in the Conflict Resolution Program and the CIVIC Project.

On April 12th, Dr. Sherrill Hayes (program faculty), Marie Bryan, Amelia Deaton, and Colleen McNickle (practicum students)presented their workshop "Creating a Positive Workplace and Strengthening Your Organization" to the Guilford County Non Profit Consortium. There were around 80 people present at the event and the evaluations of the program were great. We appreciate the GNPC, their partner organizations in Guilford County, and all those who participated in making the training a success. Anyone interested in additional or followup workshops can send an email to civic@uncg.edu.

Dr. Hayes's CNR 625 Conflict Resolution in Education course for the summer filled up in (what seemed like) record time. Although the course is full, if any CNR degree students (especially on-line) who need to take the course will contact Dr. Hayes, we may be able to add a few extra spaces.

The CNR 640 Negotiation Theory and Practice course was finally approved for 1st summer session on Friday April 20th and should be available for registration this week. If the 625 class is any indication, register soon.

April 25th, the NC chapter of the Association for Conflict Resolution is meeting at our location in Brown Summit. The program will include speakers from the NC Dispute Resolution Commission, Administrative Office of the Courts, UNCG's Conflict Resolution Program, and Western Carolina University, on newer conflict resolution programs available in the state, including guardianship mediaiton in the clerk of court, permanency mediation, parenting coordination, and USDA agricultural mediation program. The program will last from 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM, includes lunch and a business meeting.

The CIVIC project has also been contacted by a local homeowner's association to help them work with neighborhood disputes, including mediation of individual problems and facilitation of association meetings. This seems to be a growing area for us and we are interested in hearing from other mediators who have this type of experience and any other HOA's that would be interested in working with us. Please email civic@uncg.edu.

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