The 2006-7 academic year ended with a graduation party held at Gateway University Research Park in Brown Summit. Graduating students were honored, door prizes were awarded, and everyone was well fed. A good time was had by all.
At the party we also introduced the newest faculty member to the department Dr. Tom Matyok. Dr. Matyok received his PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Nova Southeastern University, has been an adnjunct instructor in the UNCG CNR department for several years, served as director of the International Seafarer's Center, as well as, trained and taught conflict resolution and international relations courses at several different institutions of higher education. We are very pleased to have Dr. Matyok join us and know that he will help the program continue to grow.
1st Summer session is in full swing. CNR 640 - Negotiation Theory and Practice had finished it's first week, students are learning the joys of on-line negotiating, and hoping that the next 4 weeks pass quickly. CNR 625 - CR in Education is on tap for 2nd summer session.
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