Monday, October 1, 2007

CR Program in the Media

The Conflict Resolution Program has been in the media a few times recently.

Dr. Sherrill Hayes was on the Murphy in the Morning Show with Ret. Judge Bill Daisy doing a live on air mediation. Judge Daisy conducted the mediation with two graduate students from UNCG in a destruction of personal property case. The phone calls came, Jack Murphy (the host) as an unofficial co-mediator added some levity to the tense mediation, and the case was resolved. The next on air mediation with Judge Daisy is scheduled for November 1st at 8:30 AM. If you are in the area tune into 107.5 WKZL and the Murphy Show to hear the mediation and about the program.

Dr. Ken Newberger, an adjunct in the CR program who teaches the on-line section of Conflict in Religious Communities, was featured on the CR Newswire for his work with on-line dispute resolution with churches and the story can be found here. More info on Ken's work can be found at his website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.